It’s Winter!! What more can I say? It’s cold, wet and dark and most of the time we all feel like staying snuggled up in bed the extra hour instead of getting up for our regular exercise routine.

So how can we stay motivated during this time of year? And for those of us playing a Winter team sport like myself, how do we keep ourselves continuing training and games if our teams are struggling?

This year at Myrtleford, playing netball in the Ovens and Murray competition has been a difficult one! We have been bottom of the ladder all year. I find it very difficult to keep ploughing through the rest of the season with training and games. As a coach and sporting/exercise enthusiast, I’m always looking for ways to spice up training and exercise. I have been looking through different websites and using YouTube to help find new exercises and training programs.

I’m lucky, I have a good group of girls that I train with every week and they keep me motivated!

But here are some tips that I’m also looking at to help me get through the last 6 weeks of Winter:

  1. Sign up for an event. If you need a reason to train, or if you are like me and sign up for something, I will train for it. I’m currently looking at doing Around the Bay in a Day which is in early October.
  2. Find an exercise buddy! If you have someone that can motivate you and vice versa, help each other out!
  3. If you train on your own, look at changing your routine or trying something new. There are lots of facilities in the area that provide different programs. The other alternative for example, instead of doing long distance running, look into doing a sprint session or interval training to change up your program.
  4. Treat yourself to some new exercise gear! Don’t forget Winter woollies.
  5. Finally, choose an exercise/activity that you love doing! If you don’t like what you are doing, the chances of you continuing are pretty bleak!

Bailey - Tas

Let’s not forget about where we live! We are close to the ski fields. A day out at the snow is fun and can be classed as exercise. Win-win!

The Osteohealth team hopes these tips help you get out and about this awesome area! We enjoy seeing people getting into sport and fitness as much as we do!


-Bailey Lang