Live a longer, happier, healthier life!

Our Exercise Physiologists run a group exercise class for those living with Type II Diabetes.

The Group Allied Health Services referral under Medicare allows patients with Type II Diabetes to attend 8 group exercise classes with one of our Exercise Physiologists.

When you have Type II Diabetes, physical activity is an important component of your treatment plan. Exercise has been shown to improve your glycemic control, reduce cardiovascular risk factors and improve quality of life.

Classes involve:

  • Individualised programs for everyone
  • Programs progressed as appropriate by one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists.
  • Classes will take around 30-40 minutes, however participants can rest at any time.
  • Increased confidence with exercise
  • Opportunities to meet people
  • Fun!

Meet our Exercise Physiologists

Type II Diabetes exercise plan has been shown to:

What to expect

The initial assessment includes a chat with one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists about your personal goals, medical history, social history and previous experience with exercise (if any).

We may also run through a few quick, basic tests.

During the classes, everyone follows their own individualised program. This means that we can cater for EVERYONE.

Programs are progressed during the 8 weeks as appropriate by one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists.

Classes will take around 30-40 minutes, however participants can rest at any time.

We aim to finish off the class with a group game or activity, this also allows time for a chat and a catch up.

We want everyone to increase their confidence with exercise over the 8 week program, meet people, and mostly importantly have FUN!

Yes. Although Medicare covers the majority of the fees, there is an out of pocket expense for your Initial 1:1 assessment. Speak to our friendly admin team to get the up to date pricing.

How do I sign up?

Speak to your GP about this referral. From there, call us on 02 6021 2777 to make your initial appointment or book your Type II Diabetes Program initial assessment online.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us on 02 6021 2777 or email us at